

  • Strengthening your domain: The double dispatch pattern – Jimmy Bogard continues his series of posts on building a better domain model with a look at the Double Dispatch Pattern, showing how it can be used to help integrate services into the domain model
  • Cleaner HTML Markup with ASP.NET 4 Web Forms – Client IDs (VS 2010 and .NET 4.0 Series) – Scott Guthrie continues his series on the improvements to ASP.NET 4 with a look at the improvements in HTML generation in the framework controls and exploring the new options for clientside id generation affording better control of the generated IDs and making code that consumes those IDs easier to write and maintain.
  • Using HtmlUnit on .NET for Headless Browser Automation – Steve Sanderson explores using the Java tool HtmlUnit from within .NET (via the IKVM library for running Java in .NET) to allow headless browser testing of HTML output from web applications
  • Your JavaScript goes WHERE? – Chris Brandsma discusses why JavaScript code should be placed at the end of your HTML page for best performance, along with sharing pointers to other things you may want to do to esure your applications are performing the best they can be.
  • Data Annotations in the Entity Framework and Code First – Jeff Derstadt of the Entity Framework Team talks about the Data Annotation Attributes, and their role in Entity Framework Code First approaches, outlining a possible solution and soliciting feedback on the plans.
  • Some Rough Draft TDD Demonstration Videos – Brett Schuchert shares the start of a series of video posts on Test Driven Development using Java and Eclipse. The first two videos covering getting started and adding operators are available now, and Brett outlines the rest of the series which looks pretty interesting, and despite being Java based probably of interest to .NET Devs too.
  • A C# implementation of the CallStream pattern – Bertrand Le Roy picks up and idea from Dusan Jovanovic which was implemented in JavaScript and looks at porting the implementation into C# providing an interesting way of chaining methods togehter.
  • Combating ClickJacking With X-Frame-Options – Eric Lawrence talks about the X-Frame-Options Header Directive which was introduced in Internet Explorer 8 (and has since spread into a number of other browsers) which allows content authors to declare if their content is allowed to be loaded into frames, providing an additional security to help prevent phishing attacks.
  • Your testing tendencies – Dahlia Bock is carrying out a small survey on automated testing tendencies, and is looking to gehter as much feedback as possible. If you have 5 minutes please help out and fill in the simple short questionnaire.
  • Events get a little overhaul in C# 4, Afterward: Effective Events – Chris Burrows continues his series on .NET 4 Eventing changes with a look at some Do and Don’t recommendations for using the new features safely and effectively.
  • RDBMS vs NoSQL – Mark Rendle shares his thoughts on the NoSql discussion, looking initially at the concepts of the NoSql database, and sharing a ‘discussion’ on the notion of which is better RDBMS or NoSql.
  • Cassandra Jump Start For The Windows Developer – Nick Berardi works through the steps involved in setting up the Cassandra NoSql database as a Windows based developer looking at installing on Windows and installing in a Linux Virtual Machine.


  • mvcConf the Virtual ASP.Net MVC Conference – The C4MVC community are organising a virtual conference on ASP.NET MVC, currently planning for the event to be some time in July. Having attended a number of the C4MVC User Group sessions this virtual conference will almost certainly be worth virtually attending.
  • OpenSource on .net at Microsoft TechDays – Seb Lambla announces an evening event to occur during the Microsoft Techdays week which will focus on the best of breed Open Source software available for the Microsoft Stack with sessions on Open Rasta, Castle, CouchDB, etc.