


Developer Developer Developer 8

  • A developer’s guide to encryption – Barrie Dorrans highlights the availability of the video of his (partially hijacked) DDD8 session on encryption, and shares some of the feedback he received on the talk
  • Multi-tenancy in ASP.NET MVC – DDD8 Video – Rob Ashton also points out the video of his session on building multi-tenancy applications using ASP.NET MVC
  • Phil Winstanley’s DDD8 – Phil Winstanley has been busy putting up video of a number of the DDD8 sessions hosted on vimeo. These include some already linked to, along with Mark Needham’s Functional Approaches session, Ian Cooper’s Real World MVC, Liam Westley’s Commercial Software Development, along with a few session videos from Web DD 09
  • DDD8 – post-event commentary #DDD8 – Craig Murphy has a great wrap up piece on DDD8, including a plethora of links to other round up pieces, along with links to video and photos of the event, a Barry Dorrans tribute, and some pointers to future events.