
  • MVC Turbine v2.0 for MVC2 (.NET3.5) – Javier G. Lozano announces the release of his ASP.NET MVC Turbine project which is compiled against the ASP.NET MVC 2 RC and runs against .NET 3.5 SP1 and Visual Studio 2008, allowing devs on this platform to make use of the library.


  • Refactoring for Unit Testing – Nizar Noorani looks at some of the process of refactoring a legacy code base to allow it to be better unit tested, working through a simple example to show the changes needed to test the example code.
  • API Testing: Testing in Layers – Bj Rollison presents the case for functional testing at the API level as a key way of identifying functional problems in the application, and how we don’t have to just test at the end user level.
  • How I Approach a Defect – Chris Missal talks about the process he uses when he works to resolve a defect in some code, and how he ensures that the solution is a good one.
  • IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera – what browser does a .Net developer choose? – Jeffrey Palermo talks about the great browser debate, discussing the market share of the browsers, his feeling on browser choice, what browsers his organisation supports, and what the future may hold. Davy Brion is also musing browser states in his post on Browser Usage
  • Performance: Using dynamic code to copy property values of two objects – Gunnar Peipman follows on from a post from last year looking at matching properties of objects and copying values, looking at the matching process, and showing three ways to copy the value each with different performance characteristics, showing that over numbers of iterations the best way is still to use dynamically generated code.
  • Coding: Wrapping/not wrapping 3rd party libraries and DSLs – Mark Needham talks about the practice of wrapping 3rd party libraries in your own code, highlighing the disadvantages of this approach, along with where the benefits come in providing a nice api for your use cases, and how it can be a decision you regret not making.
  • ADO.NET Entity Framework and .NET 4 & SQL Profiler : Lazy Loading of Entities – Bruno Terkaly continues his EF4 / ADO. NET 4 series with a look at Lazy Loading of entities, and shows how the SQL Profiler can be used to see the queries as they happen
  • Multi-tenancy in ASP.NET MVC – Why do we want it? – Rob Ashton begins his blog post series looking at the area of ASP.NET MVC Multi-Tenancy which he spoke about at DDD8. This post introduces the background to multi-tenancy and some of the key concepts
  • Packaging UI Components in MVC – Simon Ince talks about the different approaches available to package up ASP.NET MVC UI components, looking at Render Partial, Custom Action FIlters, Custom Rendering Extensions, RenderAction, UI Extensions and Custom Display and Editor Templates.
  • Learning in the Open: II – first relation and more ActiveRecord – Krzysztof Ko?mic resumes his series looking at Castle Active Record with this second part looking at adding a collection of related entities to the already defined User object, along with testing and a little trouble shooting.
  • C# vs Java Part 1: The Languages – John Sonmez begins a series of posts providing a comparison between C# and Java taking into account both the language differences and the underlying frameworks and virtual machines. This post is continued in the second half of part 1 C# vs Java Part 1: The Languages (Continued)

Developer Developer Developer 8

  • Not Everything Is An Object – Gary Short shares the slide deck from his DDD8 presentation on functional programming.
  • C# on the iPhone with MonoTouch – Chris Hardy’s session on using MonoTouch for iPhone Development in .NET is the first session video to be posted from the DDD8 conference last weekend