
  • Visual NHibernate – Visual NHibernate the currently in beta tool from Slyce Software has reached its version, introducing a number of new features in this release. This tool looks to be a useful means of working with and creating the NHibernate Mappings and maintaining the database schema using a visual UML like interface


  • Creating extensions for VS 2010 – Soma Somasegar talks about using the Visual Studio 2010 SDK to create extensions for VS2010, focusing briefly on th whole process from downloading the SDK to sharing your extension
  • Another Virtual Memory Tip – Brian Harry shares another useful bit of information about Virtual Memory use when working with NGen’d assemblies which don’t live in the Global Assembly Cache
  • Mono and C# 4.0 – Marek Safar announces that the Mono C# Compiler is now at a feature complete level with the C#4 specification. He reviews the new features and how they are implemented in the Mono compiler
  • Guided Tour: jQuery – guard and default operators – Sergio Pereira begins a new series of posts titled ‘Guided Tours’ which aim to take you on a tour of a particular bit of code. This post looks at jQuery.fn.text(), focusing on the use of Guards and Default operators in this code.
  • Real World Benefits From Loose Coupling, Inversion Of Control And Dependency Injection – Davy Brion looks at some the real benefits of implemeing loosely coupled code using Dependency injection and Inversion of control, illustrating with an example of the benefit he realised with his Agatha Request Response Service Layer project
  • Test Method Code Snippet For Visual Studio – created with the Snippet Designer – Sean McAlinden highlights the free Snippet Designer extension for Visual Studio available on CodePlex, and shows how you can use it to create simple snippets which will save you time and effort when coding common code
  • DI Patterns: Constructor Injection – DotNetSlackers has a preview extract of the forthcoming book from Mark Seemann on ‘Dependency Injection with .NET’. This extract looks at the constructor injection pattern, explaining what it is, how it works and when you should use it.
  • T-SQL Tuesday #001 (Date/Time Tricks): The Roundup – Adam Machanic rounds up the posts from his T-SQL Tuesday Blogging event from this week where SQL bloggers where encouraged to post on the subject of DateTime Tricks.
  • "Magic" null argument testing – Jon Skeet looks at the humble null argument check, looking for ways to make it shorter and simpler to use using some of his trademark ninja C# skills (and some LINQ, delegates and extension methods)
  • The Singleton Killer – Peter Gillard-Moss takes a step by step look at the refactoring to remove a singleton from some code. Peter also shares an implementation of an Immutable Wrapper to easily create immutable Lists
  • The Coffee Table Guide of the Parallel Programming Samples for .NET 4 – Greg Duncan highlights a post from the Parallel Programming with .NET blog which gives an overview of all the samples for parallel programming in .NET 4
  • Which Code Metrics Do You Consider Important? – Davy Brion discusses the topic of Code Metrics with a look at the various metrics offered by NDepend, classifying them into ones he finds useful, and ones that you might thing would be interesting but he doesn’t find interesting. Some good discussions starting in the comments on this one
  • The Siege Project: Siege.ServiceLocation, Part 2 – Contextual Registration and Resolution – Marcus Bratton continues his series on the Siege Project with a look at how he implemented Contextual Registration in the Service Locator, allowing fine control of which types should be returned in which conditions.
  • Getting Started with the MVVM Pattern in Silverlight Applications – Dan Wahlin gives an overview of the MVVM pattern with a simple implementation in Silverlight
  • Using Examples in Software Development – A Team from Tel Aviv University are investigating the use of examples by software developers and could benefit from your feedback via this simple 3 page questionnaire (takes about 5-10 mins to fill out). looking at when you use and how you find example code


  • MIX10 Registration Open – Mike Ormond highlights the opening of Registration for the Microsoft MIX conference for Web Designers and Developers to be held 15-17th March 2010 in Las Vegas. Early Bird registrations deals bring the cost down to $795 until Jan 15th, rising to $1395 after that.