


  • SCOTT GUTHRIE COMES TO DUBLIN! – Scott Guthrie is on tour at the end of the month and will be in Dublin on the 28th September for an afternoon of ASP.NET MVC, Visual Studio 2010 and Silverlight. Expect other community events featuring The Gu to be announced this week in other parts of the UK
  • VBUG London: An Introduction to Mono – Toby Henderson will be speaking at VBUG London on the 6th October covering the Mono Platform and the supporting technologies which allow you to write .NET code to run almost anywhere
  • Welcome to the Alternative Network Group – The Alternative Network Group formed from the AltNetBeers and AltNetWorkshop events has its new website launched, with details of the forthcoming events such as this weeks AltNetBeers event wtih Udi Dahan, the Scotish AltNetBeers event later this month, and the first Workshop event delivered by Roy Osherove on TDD.