
  • xUnit 1.5 Released – Unit Testing Framework for .NET – David Hayden highlights the RTM release of xUnit.Net 1.5 which brings a number of new features of the previous official release, such as improved 64bit support, numerous improvements to the Gui test runner, MSBuild support, ASP.NET MVC 1 & 2 preview 1 support, and much more
  • Prototype 1.6.1; Speed up, clean up, and team up – Ajaxian highlights the release of version 1.6.1 of the Prototype Javascript library. This new release includes full support for Chrome v1 and higher, Internet Explorer 8, along with support for the newly introduced IE8 specific mouse events, along with a number of performance and development experience improvements.


  • First videos of the structured editor prototype – Kirill Osenkov releases source and binaries of a project from his MSc work building a structured editor for C#. This is a very interesting prototype of how a richer development experience could be achieved by having an editor which works directly with a syntax tree of the code. – Interesting and impressive stuff.
  • When framework designers outsmart themselves [How to: Perform streaming HTTP uploads with .NET] – ‘Delay’ looks at performing http uploads from .NET with progress reporting, and shows one of the gotchas of a simple implementation
  • TwoWay binding to Name/Value Pairs – Damon Payne shows a technique using Reflection Emit to provide full two way data binding to name value pairs in a Silverlight application, highlighting along the way some of the limitations of the cut down framework available in Silverlight.
  • Monitoring Production Performance – Davy Brion shows a simple method of gaining performance reporting of your code allowing you to define a threshold for a particular process and log when it takes longer – simple stuff, and something I’m sure can be built on.
  • Automating database script execution – Thomas Weller shares his technique for creating and database schema using a test framework to do the running for him. Automation of this type of thing can be a very useful thing on a project, and this is one of many ways of achieving it.
  • Commercial Support for NHibernate – Ayende announces a commercial support programme for NHibernate, available for a monthly fee dependent on the number of support calls you may raise. This type of support may lift one of the barriers to the use of NHibernate by companies who don’t like the lack of official support Open Source projects often have. Rob Conery is also considering setting up a SubSonic Support scheme in a similar way.
  • Forcing event unsubscription – Fabrice Marguerie talks about events as a common source of memory leaks, and shows a technique for removing all event subscriptions which could be used in a dispose method.
  • Simple Auditing Using an NHibernate IInterceptor (Part 2) – Scott’s Blog – Scott Kirkland continues his series looking at implementing auditing functionality using NHibernate’s IInterceptor functionality.
  • 5 Minute Overview of MVVM in Silverlight – John Papa gives a simple and concise explanation of the Model View – View Model approach in Silverlight
