The Morning Brew #379
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 30th June 2009 at 07:57 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- xUnit.GWT – Given When Then (GWT) extension for – Ben Hall explores the Given When Then style BDD testing using the xUnit.Net extension
- How we do MVC – View models – Jimmy Bogard talks about the conventions surrounding View Models which his team have gravitated to on their recent ASP.NET MVC project
- CodeRush Xpress for C# and Visual Basic inside Visual Studio 2008 – Mark Miller gives a detailed rundown of the features of the Free edition of CodeRush Xpress. For a free tool it has a lot of really good and useful features
- PowerShell Scripting for Microsoft project code named "Velocity" – The Velocity Team talk about how you can use Powershell to interact and configure the Velocity distributed cache
- Never worry about ASP.NET AJAX’;s .d again – Dave Ward looks at insulating yourself and your code from the problems with JSON from different versions of the ASP.NET framework
- Understanding expression trees – Marcin Kasprzykowski gives a nice summary of Expression trees looking briefly at how they are defined, constructed and applied in code
- ASP.NET 4.0 Enhancements to Data Controls – Mike Ormond continues looking at the improvements to ASP.NET in V4 with a look at some of the improvements that have been made to the databound controls
- Don’t Create Aggregate Roots – Udi Dahan looks at applying (or not applying) agreggate roots in your service layer
- Generating Code with Visual Studio’s T4 – Michael Ceranski gives a brief introduction to useing T4 templates in Visual Studio to generate code
- New CodePlex project: a simple Undo/Redo framework – Kirill Osenkov announces a new CodePlex project which provides a generic implementation of the Undo Redo functionality via an implementation of the Command Design Pattern
- The void is invariant – Eric Lippert looks at one of the places in C#2 that supported variance, but only if your method returned a reference type. Prepare yourself for some interesting and deep discussion of the .NET type system in this post
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