The Morning Brew #376
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 25th June 2009 at 07:30 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Is anyone else getting ‘Bad Request – Request Too Long’ errors on all the time?
- YUI 3.0.0 beta 1 Available for Download – Yahoo release the first beta release of YUI (Yahoo User Interface), their JavaScript library for creating complex UI
- Mind if my MVC T4 template changes your code a bit? – David Ebbo talks about a technique he discovered which allows T4 templates to modify the other code in your solutions by way of the Visual Studio Code Model API, and he asks the questions, is it alright for his templates to do this?
- It Already Is A Scripting Language – Eric Lippert follows on from his previous post about top level methods, responding to some of the comments on that post, and looking at C# as a scripting language
- New WPF 4.0 Features – A nice summary of some of the new features of WPF in .NET 4 relating to text clarity and rendering.
- Avoid Using NHibernate With NUnit 2.4.6 – Davy Brion highlights an interesting difference between NUnit 2.4.6 and 2.4.7 and how changing version helped shave a third off the build and test time for NHibernate
- Using PostSharp and log4net to Set Up Controller Logging in MVC – Alex Cuse applies Aspect Oriented Programming using PostSharp to implement logging in his ASP.NET MVC Controllers in this walk through of his implementation
- Session Attacks and ASP.NET – Part 2 – Jason Montgomery continues looking at the security of ASP.Net sessions. This part looks at some forms authentication scenarios, and looks at what you can do to reduce the risks and what counter measures you can apply
- Moving to scenario-based unit testing in .NET – David Tchepak talks about test case organisation when writing test, looking at the common test organisation of one test fixture per class under test, and offers an alternative structure based on scenarios
- Parallel For Loops over Non-Integral Types – ‘toub’ looks at how you can use the Parallel For loop when you don’t have and int32/int64 loop variable
- E-VAN – Alan Dean talking on REST (6th July 2009) – Colin Jack announces the next European Virtual Alt.Net event, to be held on 6th July
I feel like I’ve gotten intermittent errors like that on for years, particularly from links found in search results.