
  • TestDriven.Net 2.22 RTM – What’s New? – Jamie Cansdale announces the RTM release of TestDriven.NET 2.22 which includes support for VS2010, NUnit 2.5, TypeMock, NCover, F#
  • NSyntheis 0.1.1 has escaped! – Stuart Caborn announces his first release of NSyntheis, a port of the Ruby project Syntheis which aims to provide a means of joining tests which call mock expectations with tests which call actual implementations. This release works with Nant, NUnit 2.5 and Rhino Mocks.
  • VS Addin: Fast Add Reference Dialog – No more Coffee Break! – Tuna Toksoz shares a new Visual Studio Add-in which aims to provide a much faster Add References dialog. This is something I will be checking out, as despite the efforts made by the VS team the dialog in 2008 is still far too slow
