The Morning Brew #371
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 18th June 2009 at 07:22 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
My feed reader was unusually empty this morning (only about 60% of the usual number of posts) so today’s edition is a little shorter than the norm. Additionally, a number of articles today come from the site, which at the time of writing this seems to be returning ‘Bad Request – Request Too Long’ for most requests from my ISP, but hopefully this is only affecting me.
- A Project Dependency Graph Utility For Visual Studio 2008 – Marc Clifton shares a nice simple utility which exposes the inter-project dependencies of your Visual Studio 2008 solutions
- More on Late-Bound Invocations with Expression Trees – Jimmy Bogard talks about using Expression Trees to help improve the performance of his AutoMapper, and looks towards the future features of Expression Trees in .NET 4 to further enhance things
- A new and improved ASP.NET MVC T4 template – David Ebbo continues improving his ASP.NET MVC T4 Templates, this time moving from runtime code generation to design time code generation, talking about the chalenges in moving between the two types
- Troubleshooting "Velocity" Series – Amit Kumar Yadav of the Velocity Project team talks about some of the common problems that people encounter when using the Velocity Distributed Cache
- Pex to the rescue – ‘alkampfer’ takes an introductory look at the PEX tools from Microsoft Research looking at how you can get started when and what Pex can do for you.
- Vary with Care – Eric Law shares and article from the Fiddler site, talking about the differing and problematic behaviour of Internet Explorer versions when it encounters the vary HTTP Response header
- Introduction to WF Designer Rehosting (Part 2) – Matt Winkle gets down to the business end of implementing the WF Designer in his own application in this second part of a series post. The first part was an introduction, and in this part Matt gets on with implementing the sample project, starting at ‘File>New Project’
- WCF Instancing, Concurrency, and Throttling – Part 2 – Rick Rainey explores some of the concurrency facilities in WCF, looking at the different types of service they result in
- Opinionated Input Builders- Part 8 the Auto Form – Eric Hexter continues his series on his Opinionated Input Builders for ASP.NET MVC with a look at the natural next step, generating the whole form automatically from the model with a single line in the view.
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