
  • Internet Explorer 8 – The big announcment yesterday was the release of Internet Explorer 8. Available in 25 languages across 4 operating system versions and 2 processor architectures this brings the best performing version of IE ever
  • Introducing Docu – Simple doc gen for .Net – James Gregory announces Docu, a new project which aims to provide a simple API documentation solution for .NET development. This is more like NDoc of old (simple to use) rather than the very complex SandCastle, and I think it will be a good tool to have in the toolbox.
  • Visual Studio 2008 extensions for SharePoint (VSeWSS) 1.3 addresses all common SharePoint Developer requests – Paul Andrew announces the release of the Final CTP release of the Visual Studio 2008 extensions for Sharepoint v1.3. This will be the final release of the tools with a whole new range of tools being included with Visual Studio 2010


MIX 09