Well MIX09 is well and truly in full flow with a number of significant announcements and beta releases yesterday.


  • ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Released! – Possibly the least suprising MIX09 announcement was the release of ASP.NET MVC 1.0. The release version is very similar to the RC2 release, with the addition of JQuery 1.3.2 and a few minor IDE issues being resolved. Congratulations to Phil and the rest of the team for getting this one to release.
  • Microsoft Expression – Microsoft also announced and Expression Blend 3 Preview release, with support for Silverlight 3 along with a bunch of new features
  • Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio March 2009 CTP – Another MIX09 announcement, the release of the March 09 Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio CTP release.
  • Silverlight 3.0 – Another significant announcement was the release of Beta editions of Microsoft Silverlight 3, the latest evolution of the Silverlight RIA platform. This post from Sergejus has links to all the download items.
  • RESX Translation Tool – Sergey Obraztsov shares a tool to help with the translation of Resource Files which uses Machine Translation and Excel output to do the first pass translation.
