The Morning Brew #308
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 17th March 2009 at 08:12 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
I think we’ve entered the lull before the Mix09 storm as content was a little thin on the ground this morning. I’m anticipating some very busy days ahead though as the conference and announcements kick off.
- How .NET Regular Expressions Really Work – Jeff Moser digs down into the framework to see how regular expressions really work, explring over 14000 lines of .NET source code along the way
- Unicode in regular expressions – Jimmy Bogard explores two technologies that on their own have been known to make developers quake with fear, highlighting some very nice functionality that makes it very easy to have your regular expressions support unicode cultures.
- Breaking Liskov – Jon Skeet talks about the recent award of the Turing Award to Barbara Liskov, and explores that most famous principle the Liskov substitution principle
- How I Learned to Program Manage an Agile Team after 6 years of Waterfall – Sara Ford talks about her recent experiences of getting used to working with and managing a team using agile principles.
- Practicing patterns : linq and the dry principle – Erwin van der Valk explores how you can avoid violating the DRY principle (Don’t Repeat Yourself) when writing LINQ queries and how the language give far better techniques than you had available in TSQL
- && vs & and | vs || – What’s the difference? – Dave explores the difference between these similar looking operators in this back to basics post.
- Designing a document database: Remote API & Public API – Ayende continues his series of posts about designing a document database with a look at the type of interface he will use for the API
Since you mentioned it before, I thought I would point out Part 2 in my work with Visual Studio and Mono @
Thanks for mentioning Part I 🙂