Quite a software heavy edition today, with some interesting releases and betas.


  • NHibernate 2.1.0 on the road – Fabio Maulo announces the release fo the first alpha of NHibernate 2.1, which brings NHibernate to the level of Java Hibernate 3.2.6. See Davy Brion’s upgrading guide linked in the Information section for details of the significant new feature, the ability to choose your proxy implementation.
  • S#arp Architecture 1.0 RC 2 Released! – Billy McCafferty announces the second Release Candidate of S#arp Architecture, his architectural framework for developing ASP.NET MVC applications with NHibernate and other best practices
  • ReSharper 4.5 Beta Released – JetBrains announce the beta release of ReSharper 4.5, which brings with it considerable performance improvements along with solution wide warnings and suggestions, better support for naming conventions, and many other features and refinements
  • StyleCop update is released – The Microsoft StyleCop team announce version which is mostly a bug fix release, however it does add a few new features for ignoring code generated code and including documentation from elsewhere.
  • StyleCop for ReSharper – Release: Release Candidate – Refresh (0.0.14317.000) – Howard van Rooijen releases an updated Resharper add-in for the new StyleCop build.
  • WCF REST Starter Kit Preview 2 is on CodePlex – Aaron Skonnard announces the release of Preview 2 of the WCF Rest Starter Kit adding further client side features for consuming WCF and 3rd party REST services and some more minor server side changes
  • CruiseControl.NET 1.4.3 Released – Dave Cameron announces the release of version 1.4.3 of ThoughtWork’s CruiseControl.NET, with loads of new improvements this one looks worth an upgrade.
