The Morning Brew #304
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 11th March 2009 at 06:58 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Free ASP.NET MVC eBook – Walkthrough – Scott Hanselman announces that the first 185 pages of the ASP.NET MVC book he is working on with Rob Connery, Phil Haack and Scott Guthrie has been made available as a free PDF, under the Creative Commons Attribution No Derivatives license. Also announced in this post is the Nerd Dinner sample application, now hosted on Codeplex.
- Beginning Mocking With Moq 3 – Part 2 – Justin Etheredge continues his series on testing with mock objects created with Moq version 3, with a look at verification lambda expressions and how Moq uses them to verify that the correct methods are being called on your mock object.
- Usability in Practice: Strategies for Designing Application Navigation – A nice MSDN Magazine article on getting navigation right in your applications, looking at the theory behind a lot of the best practices
- Need Help Spotting that Hard to Test Code? – Chris Missal talks about how the theme you use in Visual Studio (or any other IDE) can help highlight the code that will be more difficult to test due to the way it highlights typenames. Could this be yet another TDD – Theme Driven Design? 🙂
- Using DLR in your application from C# – ciplogic gives a very simple introduction to using the DLR functionality within your own applications to provide scripting, and talks about passing variables into the scope of the DLR code.
- When You Can’t Count On Your Numbers – Douglas Crockford talks about numbers in JavaScript, and how since all number are IEEE 754 Double Precision Floating Point numbers there can be some interesting effects when working with decimals.
- OO: Micro Types – Mark Needham shares the idea of Micro Types, creating additional types to allow your methods to have more meaningful signatures with a higher degree of safety.
- What’s the difference between CONST and READONLY in .Net? – Carl J explores the meaning of the Const and ReadOnly keywords in .NET – be sure to read the comments for some more information.
- How does Web Deployment with VS10 and MSDeploy Work? – Vishal R. Joshi looks at how the new Web Deployment functionality of Visual Studio 2010 utilises MSDeploy to make deploying your web projects much easier.
- Combine/Compress/Minify JS and CSS files in ASP.NET MVC – Brian Rush looks at a number of techniques to combine, shrink and compress your JavaScript files when working with ASP.NET MVC
- I Love Easy Extensibility – Davy Brion talks about how the extensibility model in WCF allowed him to easily add monitoring of the size of the inbound and outbound SOAP requests in the system he is working on.
- Resource Management in the Concurrency Runtime – Part 1 – Atilla Gunal talks about the role of the Resource manager in the new Visual Studio 2010 native concurrency runtime
Hi Chris, just wanted to say thanks for adding my “const vs. readonly” post to your Morning Brew (: