Still not quite caught up with my backlog of posts to read, but I think normality will be restored tomorrow – I’m down to the low signal to noise feeds now, so I don’t anticipate a huge deluge of old content will be being posted now.


  • Treemap + Silverlight => Gasp! – Wade Dorrell highlights a new Silverlight control which renders treemaps – a visualisation I really like
  • Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database Edition GDR – RTM – Data Dude rounds up the features included in the RTM release of Visual Studio Team Systems 2008 Database Edition GDR (what a mouthful!) which was released to web yesterday.
  • MEF Re-factored, Preview 3 has shipped. – Glenn Block announces the release of Preview 3 of the Managed Extensibility Framework, along with a number of other changes, the great news about this release is that its licensed as MS-PL, the Microsoft Permissive License, allowing you to use the source in other environments.
