Looks like this week is going to be a busy week Brew wise with a huge number of really good posts over the weekend, and I suspect this is only the start of it with it being PDC this week! There will be a few of the weekends posts making it into the brew tomorrow as I simply had too many today! Full on PDC coverage will start tomorrow, and I can feel a special section about to be created for the week.


  • Microsoft Chart Controls for .NET Framework 3.5 Released! – Microsoft Chart Controls for .NET Framework 3.5 are released, providing enhanced graphing capabilities to both web and desktop applications developers
  • IronPython 2.0 Release Candidate – Harry Pierson announces the release of IronPython 2.0 Release Candidate, so final release can’t be far off.
  • StructureMap 2.5 is Released! – Jeremy D. Miller announces the release of StructureMap 2.5, a Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control library with a number of nice features Significant in this release is some new documentation of the public interface, along with a whole host of other features.
  • Rapid UI Mockups with Balsamiq – Aaron Jensen highlights a great looking simple tool for quickly mocking up UI prototypes. It exists as a free web app (with nag screens), or in paid for desktop formats.


  • PDC 2008: New .NET Logo – Scott Hanselman shares the new look .NET logo
  • Exploring NHibernate Statistics, Part 1: Simple Data Fetching – Davy Brion takes a look at the Statistics feature of NHibernate 2.0, allowing you to obtain all kinds of useful information about the work your NHibernate Sessions and SessionFactory are doing.
  • Can’t get to PDC? You can still catch the keynotes… live… – Greg Duncan points out that we (the unfortunate ones who are not at PDC) can still keep up to date with what is going on by watching the keynotes live over the web.
  • Intellisense Luv for a Friday – Dave Burke shows one of the nice features of the Intellisense in Visual Studio 2008 – this is so clever and shows that they really do try to make Intelisense as useful as posisble
  • Further Examination of .NET Framework Features Survey – Keyvan Nayyeri talks about the conclusions that can be drawn from the results of Scot Hanselmann’s recent survey on .NET technologies used.
  • Simple AOP Example Using Castle DynamicProxy 2.0 – David Hayden looks at the Aspect Oriented Programming capabilities of Castle Dynamic Proxy showing how you can have your code run before a methods code.
  • Application Domains – Ricardo Peres looks at using Application Domains to run your code with additional restrictions, covering creation, and unloading of application domains as well as creating instances in the application domain and calling methods.
  • Simple Cryptography Block – Steve Sheldon shares a short chunk of code to encrypt and decrypt values – a useful resource as I always find the crypto APIs confusing to work with so having a simple reference piece is very useful
  • ASP.NET MVC Tip: Dependency Injection with Unity Application Block – Shiju Varghese look at using the Unity Application Block to do Dependency Injection in an ASP.NET MVC Application.
  • ReSharper Jedi – FizzBuzz in under 4 minutes – Chad Myers shows how good Resharper really can be by doing a Test Driven Development version of Fizz Buzz in 4 minutes without a mouse, using a number of ReSharper’s useful features.
  • Using IronRuby To Implement Dynamic Business Rules – Justin Etheredge continues his series on Domain Validation with a look at using IronRuby to implement scripted rules which can interact with the C# code.
  • Pex now a DevLabs project – Nikolai Tillmann announces that Pex is one of the first projects to be hosted on DevLabs, the new Microsoft site for software developer innovations, and along with this also makes Pex available as a Visual Studio 2010 (with the non-2010 version still available on the Microsoft Research site).
  • ASP.NET MVC Storefront Part 23: WebForms and Dynamic Data – Rob Conery continues his screencast series with episode 23. In this part Rob talks with J Sawyer who has taken the ASP.NET MVC Store Front and created a web forms based front end along with a Dynamic Data powered admin site.
  • Solving complex parsing tasks with RegexTreeer – Sergey Stoyan looks at implementing complex parsing solutions using the RegexTreeer library to build a tree of regular expressions to parse complex input.
  • .NET Projects: Code Coverage with NCover – Grant Palin looks at the setup and working with NCover (and associated tools) to generate code coverage information for your projects. Plenty of screenshots and description of the process are included to get you going


  • Barcamp Liverpool 6th – 7th December 2008 – Barcamp has arrived in Liverpool, with a 2 day event happening in December. Having attended and enjoyed the Manchester Barcamp I highly recommend this event to anyone who can make it.