The Morning Brew #185
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 23rd September 2008 at 06:48 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
I varied my coffee drinking this morning by trying Nescafe’s Instant Espresso from their ‘Collection’ range, which is surprisingly nice (however I’m not going to link to their site as its the slowest bit of flash I’ve seen in ages).
- Pex 0.7 Released – Nikolai Tillmann announces the release of version 0.7 of Pex (Program EXploration) the framework for generating unit tests from parameterized unit tests. 0.7 is a bugfix and enhancement release.
- The Snippet Designer is Released!!!! – Matthew Manela announces the release of a project he started as an intern in the summer of 2006. Snippet Designer aims to make it easy to create new and explore snippets for Visual Studio
- SQLite for ADO.Net Released – Greg Duncan highlights the latest release of SQLite for ADO.NET, a great embedded database. I experimented with SQLite a while back and was very happy to find that NHibernate worked well with it, and this post has just reminded me of that (which will probably help with a little project I’m working on)
- Commented-Out Code and Broken Windows – Jan Van Ryswyck talks about code quality, and that warning sign of commented out code.
- Jeremy’s First Law of Continuous Integration – Jeremy D. Miller gives one rule for CI, and follows up with a larger list in Jeremy’s Other Laws of Continuous Integration, and closes with Jeremy’s Penultimate Law of Continuous Integration.
- PDC2008 Hard Drives, Services, Windows 7, and More – Mike Swanson gives some of the details of what people can expect of PDC 2008 – Despite not attending, I have a feeling that October 26-30th will be a very busy week for me and the Morning Brew judging by what I’ve been reading about the event this year.
- Arrays considered somewhat harmful – Eric Lippert talks about the bad aspects of Arrays, and looks at some instances where they really are not a good choice. Eric makes a set of very good points here, and I will think twice when using arrays in the future to ensure I’ve considered these points.
- Designing Erlang# – Ayende is reading about Erlang, and starts expressing the ideas of Erlang in some C# Code – a great way of assisting .NET Devs t understand the basic ideas behind the Erlang way of doing things.
- Inside F#: How does functional programming affect the structure of your code? – An interesting article from Brian who is a Dev on the F# Team, talking about how functional programming changes the structure of your code, looking at the effects at three different levels.
- Why SOLID? GIMME AN L! – Dave Laribee continues his series on SOLID principles with a look at the Liskov Substitution Principle.
- Flattening The Learning Curve – Your Input Needed – Tim Barcz also weighs in on the issue of adoption of TDD and unit testing.
- Testify – Roy Osherove’s recent post seems to have got people talking about the difficulties they encounter adopting TDD and getting others to adopt TDD. In this Post Tony Rasa talks about his experiences, and the comments include contributions from others, well worth reading.
- My wish-list for F# – Laurent Le Brun assembles a wish list of features for F#, containing some interesting ideas.
- Passing objects to SubControllers – Matt Hinze gives a code example of using the new ASP.NET MvcContrib feature, SubControllers
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