
  • SequenceViz – A neat tool for generating Sequence diagrams from your code, has just rached v0.7 (alpha), and is starting to look like a really useful tool.
  • NUnit Test Case Code Generator – An interesting tool for automatically generating NUnit tests for your code based on inspection. I’m always slightly scared of automatically generated tests, but I suppose they are better than nothing and do provide a starting point for some real testing – that said they can give a false sense of coverage.
  • Subtext 2.0 Released – Phil Haack announces the release of SubText 2.0, containing a number of new features and bug fixes


  • The Queryable Domain Property Problem – Mike Hadlow looks at the problems with tools like Linq to SQL (and other ORM mappers) when it comes to querying on a Domain Model Property which is in some way computed.
  • Low-Latency GC in .NET 3.5 – Sasha Goldshtein talks about the use of Low Latency mode for Garbage collection in .NET applications.
  • Beginners Guide To Threading In .NET Part 5 of n. – Sacha Barber continues his excellent series on Threading, looking at UI threading in Winforms, WPF and Silverlight
  • New Web Developer Tips and Tricks Blog – Brad Abrams announces a new Tricks and Tips blog targeted at Web Developers
  • ASP.NET Under Attacks – Keyvan Nayyeri talks about the latest round of SQL Injection style attacks which have been targeting a number of high profile .NET Bloggers (amongst others)
  • Recent SQL Injection Attacks against Server – Rick Strahl has also been seeing these SQL Injection attacks, and shows the details of the signature of the attack and a simple way of mitigating by imposing query string size limits.
  • Fluent NHibernate and those sweet LINQ repositories – Tobin Harris looks into Fluent NHibernate and talks about some one the nice things it includes – an in memory repository which uses LINQ and allows you to work disconnected from a database – ideal for tests.
  • MVC Storefront Part 18: Creating An Experience – Rob Conery starts to wrap this series up with this episode, looking at some of the refactorings he has done, and then finally putting the initial application together.
  • Patterns for using Distributed Hash Tables: Conclusion – Ayende concludes his series on Distributed Caching, after posting a swath of posts this weekend. All the posts are linked at the top of this one, and are all very interesting reading. Topics include Item Groups, Transactions, Locality, and much more.