I varied my coffee drinking this morning by trying Nescafe’s Instant Espresso from their ‘Collection’ range, which is surprisingly nice (however I’m not going to link to their site as its the slowest bit of flash I’ve seen in ages).


  • Pex 0.7 Released – Nikolai Tillmann announces the release of version 0.7 of Pex (Program EXploration) the framework for generating unit tests from parameterized unit tests. 0.7 is a bugfix and enhancement release.
  • The Snippet Designer is Released!!!! – Matthew Manela announces the release of a project he started as an intern in the summer of 2006. Snippet Designer aims to make it easy to create new and explore snippets for Visual Studio
  • SQLite for ADO.Net Released – Greg Duncan highlights the latest release of SQLite for ADO.NET, a great embedded database. I experimented with SQLite a while back and was very happy to find that NHibernate worked well with it, and this post has just reminded me of that (which will probably help with a little project I’m working on)
