The Morning Brew #3667
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 16th March 2023 at 06:00 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Announcing Polyglot Notebooks! Multi-language notebooks in Visual Studio Code – Claudia Regio
- Improving the Spell Checker – Dante Gagne
- Server Timing API Meets Isolated Worker Process Azure Functions – Custom Middleware and Dependency Injection – Tomasz P?czek
- Pi to 100 places with Amazon Polly and .NET & Polly with .NET 6, Part 8 – Policy Registry with Minimal APIs, and HttpClientFactory – Bryan Hogan
- How to Validate React Props Using PropTypes – John Au-Yeung
- How can I create a git feature branch that can merge into multiple other branches? – Raymond Chen
In the name Tomasz P?czek there is a lack of ‘?’ inside a surname. In Unicode it is U+0119 resulting with “Tomasz P?czek”.