The Morning Brew #3415
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 22nd February 2022 at 06:00 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Cake v2.1.0 released – Augusto Proiete
- A type-safe DI Container as a functor – Mark Seemann
- Introducing C# 10: Structs parameterless constructor and instance field initializer – Anthony Giretti
- Update all Visual Studio instances from the command line – Gérald Barré
- Blocking XREAD From A Redis Stream Using StackExchange.Redis – Mike Hadlow
- Implementing authorization in Blazor ASP.NET Core applications using Azure AD security groups – Damien Bowden
- How YOU can build a Mock REST API based on JSON for ASP .NET and minimal API – Chris Noring
- You Can throw() Anything In JavaScript – And Other async/await Considerations – Ben Nadel
- Day 8 of the 30 Days of PWA – Introducing the advanced capabilities of Progressive Web Apps – Kenneth Rohde Christiansen
- Badly implementing encryption: Part VII – implementing authenticated encryption – Oren Eini
- Think big, start small – Jon Hilton
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