And so we arrive at edition 3000 of The Morning Brew – Little did I think we would get this far when I tentatively put together edition 1 (of what was called ‘Morning Cofffee’ at the time) that I’d keep this up for the better part of 12.5 years! Getting from 2000 to 3000 has taken a bit longer than initially predicted with the only significant break in publication occurring as my wife and I welcomed our daughter into the world back in later 2018.

I had hoped to launch a new Morning Brew website today, modernising the appearance (and tech stack) but as with many ‘IT Projects’ , especially one as sporadically resourced as this one, things have taken a little longer than planned, so you can look forward to that in the next couple of weeks.

I’d like to express my thanks and gratitude to all the authors of posts which have been linked to over the 3000 editions – genuinely without your contributions there wouldn’t be a Morning Brew, and thanks also to those readers who have taken the time to send me supportive emails and tweets – you too are incredibly valued.

