The Morning Brew #2071
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 13th April 2016 at 08:21 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- WPF Designer News Q1/2016 – Jochen Kühner shares an update on the WPF Designer which is now a separate project available on NuGet, and also included in SharpDevelop
- ASP.NET Community Standup – April 12th, 2016 – The Quickening – The ASP.NET Team held their regular ASP.NET Community Standup yesterday, with the regular round up of the goings on in the ASP.NEt Community and on the project development status
- Kestrel as a Static Server for Angular – Shayne Boyer takes a ook at using the Kestrel server from RC2 and the dotnet-cli to serve static resources for use in Angular client side applications
- The week in .NET – 4/126/20 – Bertrand Le Roy shares this week’s edition of ‘The Week in .NET’ featuring Math.NET Numerics as the Project of the week, Storyo as the Xamarin app of the week, and SideDrawer for UWP and Xamarin as the control of the week, along with a collection of .NET related articles from the community
- How to host your own NuGet Server and Package Feed – Scott Hanselman shares an up to date look at creating your own personal NuGet Server and packages feed allowing you to have your own internal packages made easily available to you and your team.
- The Monsters Weekly – Episode 21 – ‘Donuts, Donut Holes & Razor Output Caching with Tag Helpers’ & The Monsters Weekly – Episode 22 – ‘Realistic Prototype Data in ASP.NET Core with GenFu’ – The ASP.NET Monsters share their latest two episodes, exploring caching in Razor views and take a look at using GenFu to generate sample data making it easier to test prototypes with real looking data.
- Git Experience Futures (April 2016) – Jeremy Epling shares an update on the new features coming for Git support in Visual Studio 15 and the ALM products
- Dazed and confused: The state of the Core – Ayende turns his attention to the dotnet cli and discovers that the world has moved on, and is still in quite a state of flux while the various release candidates align.
- Open Any Folder with Visual Studio "15" Preview – Will Buik discusses improvements to Visual Studio in VS’15’ which will make working with projects which do not have a solution file much easier.
- Build 2016 Code Labs Code and More – Greg Duncan highlights the availability of setup instructions to allow you to do all the laps from Build 2016 at your leisure
- Tracking unhandled rejected Promises – Dr. Axel Rauschmayer discusses the handling of rejected promises in browsers and in Node.js environments
We have a dead link in this list.
Git Experience Futures (April 2016)