The Morning Brew #2058
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 23rd March 2016 at 09:17 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
Thanks to the commenters yesterday, supportive comments make putting this together each morning worthwhile 🙂
- Delayed Reaction [My experience converting a jQuery/Knockout.js application to use the React library] – David Anson
- Notes from the ASP.NET Community Standup – March 22, 2016 – Jeffrey T. Fritz
- Routemeister reaches v1 &Routemeister how to support request response – Daniel Wertheim
- [Updated] How to create a multi architecture NuGet Package from a UWP class library – Marco Siccardi
- Full text search of audio and video files – Liam Cavanagh
- Play by Play with Jon Skeet and Rob Conery – K.Scott Allen
- .NET Core Console Applications – Ricardo Peres
- Beware of SortedSet<T> and a custom Comparer – Alois Kraus
- Brownfield Async: Converting IAsyncResult to Task – Jeremy Clark
- Angular 2 TypeScript and HTML Snippets for VS Code – Dan Wahlin
Well here’s another supportive comment
Excellent site, my first read every morning.
Keep up the good work.
Many thanks for all your efforts
Another supportive comment. Realy valuable stuff. Keep it up.
Awesome content as always Chris, first read every morning with a cuppa! Keep it up!
Hi Chris,
Your comment about “supportive comments make putting this together each morning worthwhile” made me realize something I have not consciously been aware of for quite a while:
The work and effort you put in publishing your newsletter each morning has migrated to be a major source of information for me. I feel I don’t have to scan as hard for useful information because there is someone who puts it together in a neat form and sends it to the public on a daily basis.
This is an awesome timesaver for me and a very useful source to see what other people work on or have published.
So thank you very much for the work you are doing and I think I might be able to speak for a lot of people that find it awesome that you donate that information to the public.
One of your daily readers…
Andreas Kroll
Chris, I read this every day, too – it is essential. Thank you very much for providing it.
I’ve read The Morning Brew every morning for years, one of my favorite things. You rock Chris!
Hi Chris,
I’ve been following your site for a number of years and wanted to thank you for sharing such great and useful links each morning. It’s all I need to stay up to date in the .NET world.
Thanks for your hard work.
I didn’t see the comments yesterday. But yes, thanks very much for doing this everyday!
Hi Chris,
Thanks from me as well. The Morning Brew is a great resource and extremely useful to me. More often than not, it’s the first thing I open in Feedly.
Your site is a must (read). I’m waiting for it every day.
I have been here since day one….read every post…first one that I usually read!
First read of the day and even if I don’t have much time I will always read yours. If I miss some days, I always go back to catch up. The day’s just not the same without The Morning Brew!
Another one of your daily readers here.
Keep up the good work and thanks for taking the time to keep us informed!
Yep totally agree with all the positive comments.
It’s so challenging to sustain anything for a long period of time and therefore testament to your determination and willpower that the Morning Brew has been consistently useful for so long.
I can’t actually remember a time in my professional career when I didn’t check the Morning Brew most days!
Makes me wonder how you got started in the first place?
The Morning Brew is the first link on my tool bar, and has been for years. I tell all my coworkers that they should read it it too… and it they don’t I’m regularly sending out links from it to them (with fully credit for the source, of course).
This is an amazing service you have provided for all these years. 3 cheers! and thank you, so very much.
I was introduced to the morning brew via a recommendation from a colleague back in 2008 and I’ve been using your site nearly everyday since. Thanks for everything you do. I’d say it’s helped me a lot with keeping in touch with cutting edge dev and has introduced me to the blogs of other developers throughout the years. Definitely keep up the good work. I always recommend the morning brew to anybody I can.
Love your work Chris. You provide a valuable service. You tame the daily torrent of news and distill into a delicious snack every day.
Thought I should show my appreciation also, this site is as comforting great cup of tea, no barrage of spam, no bs, just a nice amount of useful info I want to look at. Thanks, as an unorganised and undisciplined person, I cannot imagine what it would take to put this together on a daily basis out of the goodness of your heart, good on you.