The Morning Brew #2036
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 22nd February 2016 at 09:33 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Introducing Routemeister – Daniel Wertheim shares a new NuGet Package which simpliifies the process of handling messages and dispatching them to local process as well as cross process with RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ
- PerfView Version 1.9 Released to the Web, Analyzing CPU traces from Linux with PerfView, What is using up all my Disk Space? Using PerfView for Directory Size Analysis & Using PerfView on ‘External’ data (e.g. Other Profilers) – Vance Morrison announces the release of PerfView 1.9 which includes some great new features outlined in this post, before going on to look at its use on Linux traces, diskspace analysis, and data from other profilers
- The SOLID Principles in Real Life – Erik Dietrich shares a nice back to basics post on the SOLID principles, looking at some real world analogies to help with understanding the concepts.
- Start Using ES6/ES2015 In Your Project With Babel and Gulp – Jaime González García continues his JavaScript series with a look at wirting in ES6 / ES2015 and using the Babel Transpiler to convert ECMAScript into ES5 JavaScript or TypeScript
- JavaScript Functions — In-Depth – Dave M Bush share a look at Functions in JavaScript, looking at some of the ways in which they are used within the language.
- The week in .NET – 2/17/2016 – Bertrand Le Roy shares last week’s .NET Newsletter featuring the .NET port of GitHub’s Scientist, the Barcelona .NET Core usergroup and a collection of interesting links on .NET topics
- Developing ASP.NET Apps in Docker Containers – Steve Lasker discusses the latest release of Docker Tools for Visual Studio, before sharing a number of resources on its use as well as his own step by step guide.
- Getting Started: A Microsoft Developer’s Introduction to Xamarin and Cross-Platform Development – Jason Hunt shares his experiences and thoughts on developing on the Xamarin platform
- Two Razor view errors you might be doing too – Simone Chiaretta shares two common gotchas when working with MVC Views implemented in Razor
- Using Azure Machine Learning to Predict Who Will Survive the Titanic – Jennifer Marsman shares a look at the Azure Machine Learning capabilities in these two recorded sessions looking at predicting those who would survive the Titanic disaster
- F# for Architects: Hitting the sweet spot – Chris Smith shares slides and notes from his talk on F# for Architects which looks at when and why you should consider use of F#
- Getting Started with the .NET Micro Framework 4.4 – Alexandr Surkov takes a look at getting up and running with the .NET Micro Framework using the framework emulator
- Cellar – Eric Lippert continues his exploration of the Zork game engine, and the current phase of re-implementation looking at the ztrings decoding.
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