The Morning Brew #1990
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 15th December 2015 at 09:27 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Refactoring Code to Load a Document – Martin Fowler looks at the patterns and strategies for handling data returned from services and manipulated before returning that manipulated data to modern rich client Single page applications
- Which F Is The IIFE? – Derick Bailey shares a look at IIFE, or Immediately Invoking Function Expressions , looking at their use in JavaScript
- 3 Ways to Speed up Visual Studio Code Extension Development – Doug Finke shares some PowerShell enhancements which can help making developing Visual Studio Code extensions easier (or just help you when working with TypeScript and NPM)
- Progressive Versioning – Drew McLellan takes a look at the Semantic Versioning version number strategy, discussing its application to software as well as the background to version numbers in software.
- Designing C# 7 – Lucian Wischik shares slides and a talk recording of a session on the design of the C#7 language, and the progress so far on the project.
- Understand the complexity and maintainability of your code using Code Metrics in Visual Studio & Understand the complexity and maintainability of your code using Code Metrics in Visual Studio – Line of Code (LoC) – Abhijit Jana takes a look at the use of the Visual Studio Code Metrics to help get an understanding of the code quality and maintainability of the codebase, taking a look at the overall offering, before diving into individual posts about each metric.
- Updateing<sic> the .NET target framework for many projects – Daniel Fisher shares a short PowerShell script to help update .NET version targets for situations where you have many projects.
- Actually porting something with Project Islandwood – ‘grantmestrength’ shares a look at the porting tools which make up Project Islandwood, which can take existing IOS applications and port them, with little manual alteration to the Windows platform.
- Session Loss due to Application Domain recycle- Basics & Session Loss due to Application Domain Recycle-Advanced – Chiranth Ramaswamy discusses steps to diagnose issues with session loss in IIS based applications,
I spot at least two annoying typos: “amking” and “Updateing”.
I’ve updated the ‘amking / making’ one as that’s mine – but the other is the title of the post linked to, so I’ve left (annotated) as it is
Thank you for publishing these daily links!:)