The Morning Brew #1974
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 23rd November 2015 at 09:30 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- .NET CLR Explained – Paul Mooney shares a look down into the depths of the .NET CLR, exploring what it does and the services it provides
- HOWTO: Check JIT Inlining – Alexandr Nikitin looks at how you can use Event Tracing for Windows events emitted by the .NET Just In Time Compiler to understand how it is optimising your code
- Asynchronous Everything – Joe Duffy discusses taking Asynchronous code to the maximum, discussing his work on the Midori project, and the asynchronous programming model utilised there
- An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript for C# Developers – Jaime González García takes a detailed look at applying C# object oriented programming techniques in JavaScript, explaining the the equivalences of structures in each language
- ES.stage3: Object.entries() and Object.values() – Dr. Axel Rauschmayer gives the background to the ‘Object.values / Object.entries’ ECMAScript proposal from Jordan Harband
- Using ASP.NET WebHooks with IFTTT and Zapier to Monitor Twitter and Google Sheets – Henrik F Nielsen discusses the new JSON WebHook Receiver introduced in the latest update to ASP.NET WebHooks, and looks at using it with a number of different APIs which use JSON.
- ASP.NET 5 Webinar – Shawn Wildermuth shares the recording and sample code from his recent PluralSight ASP.NET 5 Webinar.
- FakeItEasy and EntityFramework
– Kevin Logan shares a look at how FakItEasy makes it quicker to test Entity Framework code - Analyzing and Visualizing Data with F# – O’Reilly are offering a free eBook from Tomas Petricek on Analyzing and Visualizing Data with F# (Registration required)
- The Burden of Features in Software – Jan Van Ryswyck discusses the idea that every feature added to software adds a burden, and the benefits of removing old unused features to free your selves from that burden
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