The Morning Brew #1968
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 13th November 2015 at 09:30 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- First Major Update for Windows 10 Available Today – Terry Myerson announces the release of the first major update to Windows 10 with a number of reliability and performance improvements included
- An ASP.NET 5 Overview Video – K.Scott Allen shares a detailed 40 minute video overview of ASP.NET 5 platform, recorded when beta 6/7 was the current version, but still quite applicable.
- Mastering ASP.NET 5 without growing a beard – Tess Ferrandez shares some quick tips and trivia about ASP.NET 5 as well as a useful glossary of terms for those trying to get familiar
- Back to the Future with a Tag Helper – Jeff Fritz shares a look at ASP.NET Tag Helpers, drawing on content from his recent Usergroup presentation on the subject
- Var For Life – Why Let And Const Don’t Interest Me In JavaScript – Ben Nadal discusses the different ways of declaring variables in ECMAScript 2015, and shares his thoughts on the need to use them
- Mads Mad Web Extension Pack – Greg Duncan highlights the WebExtensionPack from Mads Kristensen a collection of useful extensions for web developers using Visual Studio.
- Aurelia Binding Behaviors – Jeremy Danyow shares a look at Aurelia’s Binding Behaviors a way of declaratively affecting the binding behavior in your apps.
- Security Issues – Overview and Examples – Paulo Zemek discusses computer security and look at a number of examples of faults in security
- Hints for successfully managing an open-source project – David Catuhe discusses his experiences running an open source project, drawing on his and David Rousset’s experiences managing he Babylon.js project.
- BBC Micro:Bit – Lee Stott shares a look at the proposed BBC micro:bit, a programmable pocket sized computer aimed at getting children in schools interested in lower level computing and programming.
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