The Morning Brew #1964
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 9th November 2015 at 09:25 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Updates to Microsoft ASP.NET WebHooks Preview – Henrik F Nielsen highlights the release of Beta 4 of the ASP.NET WebHooks Preview, adding support for storeing web hook registrations in SQL Server, Sample projects, improvements for Slack and Instagram users and much more
- Mastering the Arcane Art of JavaScriptMancy For C# Developers: ES6 Spread Operator – Jaime González García continues this series looking at the features of ECMAScript 6 and explores the use of the spread operator to split out parts of an array into individual variables.
- OAuth2 Implicit Flow with Angular and ASP.NET 5 Identity Server – damienbod takes a look at implementing OAuth2’s Implicit Flow with ASP.NET 5 and Identity Server as well as an Angular based client.
- ASP.NET 5 DNX beta8, Connection Refused in Docker? – Mark Rendle discusses some issues he ran into with migrating to ASP.NET 5 Beta 8
- Wonderland Katas, F# style – Mathias Brandewinder discusses the Wonderland Clojure Katas, based on Alice in Wonderland, and now ported to F# by Mathias.
- Creating a Code Analyzer using F# – John Koerner takes a look at using the Roslyn analyzers for C# and VB.NET code from F#, allowing you to write your own custom analysis in F#
- ploeh/ZeroToNine – ploeh shares a useful utility to manage AssemblyInfo versions and perform actions on them in a Semantic Versioning way.
- Levaraging Azure Service Bus with C# – Paul Mooney takes a look at the use of the Azure Service Bus which enables decoupled system design
- Glimpse Part 1 – Easy Debugging ASP.Net MVC Application – Rakhi Shrivastava takes a look at the Glimpse tool for debugging and gaining insight into your ASP.NET Applications
- Language Madness Naming Time Elements – Jorge A. Gómez P. discusses one of the hardest problems in programming, naming of things, discussing the many ‘things’ which exist when dealing with time.
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