The Morning Brew #1938
Posted by Chris Alcock on Friday 2nd October 2015 at 08:33 am | Tagged as: Uncategorized
- Announcing Tools for Apache Cordova (aka TACO) v1.0.0 – Subhag Oak announces the 1.0.0 release of the Tools for Apache Cordova a suite of utilities and tools for Windows and Mac users to aid creation of Cordova based applications
- Code Completion Improvements in ReSharper 9 – The ReSharper team share a look at some of the latest improvements to the code completion in ReSharper 9 including Completion Filters, relevance based sorting and improved matching.
- 31 Days of Visual Studio 2015 Tricks and Treats & Index Initializers – Day 1 – VS 2015 Series – Steve Smith kicks off a new series of posts throughout October looking at various aspects of Visual Studio 2015 and the latest .NET Framework and languages
- Prediction Markets for Software Estimates – Erik Dietrich discusses estimates in software development and the ‘No Estimates’ movement
- JavaScript Promises and Error Handling – K.Scott Allen continues his look at JavaScript Promises exploring error handling in this post.
- Concatenating Typed Arrays & ES6: methods versus callbacks – Dr. Axel Rauschmayer shares a useful tip for forkin with typed arrays and also looks at the differences between objects with methods and objects with call backs.
- Why did my package download count suddenly go up – Maarten Balliauw explains why package download counts may have dramatically increased with the latest updates to the NuGet Gallery.
- Windows 10 development for absolute beginners – Clint Rutkas highlights some resources which will help you get up to speed with building Applications for Windows 10
- Implementing Adaptive Toast with Actions in Windows 10 Universal Apps – Arun Kumar takes a look at some of the improvements in toasts and tile notifications in Windows 10
- AzureCon 2015 – Sessions – Hema Senthilkumar shares a useful list of links to the session recordings from the AzureCon 2015 event which took place earlier in the week.
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