The Morning Brew #1881
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 15th June 2015 at 08:33 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Event Sourcing applied – the application service – Gabriel Schenker continues his series looking at Event Sourcing, looking at the application services which host the aggregates, looking at the services they provide in terms of persistence and orchestration.
- Workshop about Event Sourcing – Gabriel Schenker and some of his colleagues will be hosting a workshop on Event Sourcing in Austin, Texas, but also via online meeting allowing those further afield to take part
- C# 6.0 await in catch/finally – Druss takes a look at support for await/async within catch blocks in C#6, showing it in use and looking at how it is represented at the IL level.
- C# 6: Expression Bodied Members Simplify Your Code – Bill Wagner explores the use of Expression Bodied Members in C#6 which provide a much more terse syntax for declaring members.
- ECMAScript 6 Power Tutorial: Class and Inheritance – David Catuhe shares a useful tutorial on Inheritance and classes in ECMAScript 2015
- 2 Cheat Sheet – Jason Roberts share a ‘Cheat Sheet’ of the key syntax for the XUnit.NET 2 Testing Framework
- SOLID Principles – Software Craftsmanship Calendar Topics – Brendan Enrick highlights the KickStarter project for the Software Craftsmanship Calender for 2016 – a great way to educate a team on some good software development principles
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