The Morning Brew #1834
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 7th April 2015 at 08:32 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- NuGet 2.8.5 Released – The NuGet Team announce the release of NuGet 2.8.5 an update which addresses the change in moniker of the ‘K utilities’ to DNX, as well as addressing an issue with package installation in F# projects.
- A Journey Through Open Source: The Trials & Triumphs in Roslyn’s First Year of Open Source – Kasey Uhlenhuth takes a look back on 1 year of an Open Source .NET with an interesting look at the project stats.
- An open engineering birthday for Visual F# – The F# Team celebrate a year of being a full open source project with community contributions
- Visual Studio Tools for Unity 2.0 Preview 2 – The Visual Studio Team announce the release of the Visual Studio Tools for Unity 2.0 Preview 2 which brings official support for Unity 5
- Microsoft at 40 – Paul Thurrott looks back on 40 years of Microsoft as the company celebrates its birthday
- Akka.NET v1.0 is Code Complete – Aaron Stannard highlights the news that V1 of Akka.NET, a toolkit and runtime for building event based distributed applications is complete and now has a stable release.
- Aurelia’s Adaptive Binding – Rob Eisenberg shares a post from Jeremy Danyow looking a the adaptive and extensible bindings system works in Aurelia
- C#/.NET Little Wonders: Getting the Name of an Identifier & C#/.NET Little Wonders & Little Pitfalls: The Complete Collection – James Michael Hare continues his series of Little Wonders with a look at techniques for getting the name of a member or variable without hard coding it as a string, and shares a complete index to his Little Wonders and Pitfalls series.
- Lowercase Keywords Revisited (not an April Fools’ Day joke this time, I promise) – Anthony D. Green follows on from an April Fools post with a look at what VB.NET would be like with lower cased keywords, as well as a way of making it happen in your IDE.
- agis-/git-style-guide – Agis Anastasopoulos shares a useful basic Git Style Guide
- Rx Challenge #4 (More Solutions) & Rx Challenge #5 – Bnaya Eshet shares further solutions to his previous RX Challenge and also shares the next puzzle, taken from a forum question.
- ChessTDD 29: Finishing up the ASCII Board Builder – Erik Dietrich continues his series on Test Driven Development, completing the implementation of his ASCII representation of the Chess board to help illustrate tests.
- Changing the server time zone on Azure Web Apps – Tom Hollander shares a useful tip for anyone attempting to get a legacy application up and running on Azure which depends on the local timezone of the machine.
- Getting started with Grunt, SASS and Task Runner Explorer – Visual Studio – Colin Bacon takes a look at the process of getting up and running with with Gulp and SASS using the Task Runner Extension
- Dynamic Repeating Sass Colors – Elijah Manor shares a look at implementing dynamic colours using SASS
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