The Morning Brew #1815
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 9th March 2015 at 09:33 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Release Explorer for Visual Studio Beta – John R. Spinella shares the latest beta of his Deployment Explorer Visual Studio Extension which focuses on release management
- Introducing NUnit.Specifications – Derek Greer shares his base class which provides a context/specification style of API for NUnit based testing
- Nancy and localization: Testing – Christiaan Baes continues his series of posts looking at the Nancy Framework, and its localisation capabilities, exploring concepts of Testing in this post
- Understanding Filters in MVC – Suraj Sahoo takes a look at the capabilities provided by Filters in ASP.NET MVC and explores their use
- Subcutaneous Testing a Developer UI – David Starr discusses the purposes of Subcutaneous testing in ensuring your application is working correctly when it is composed of multiple API layers
- The Compromise Between Development Time and Performance in Data-Driven ASP.NET MVC – Jon Smith discusses what we as developers optimise for, be it developer productivity or overall performance, and some of the trade offs which must be considered.
- RWD, Mobile-first, JavaScript and Performance – Dino Esposito discusses some of the concepts of Responsive Web Design, and how it fits in with the development process and aims
- How to Write Sane, Reusable Grunt Tasks – Nick Heiner takes an look at the use of Grunt, sharing some of the best practices he has acquired over 18 months of working predominately with Grunt.
- Resistance Against London Tube Map Commit History (a.k.a. Git Merge Hell) – Tugberk Ugurlu discusses one of the dangers performing too much branching and merging – focusing on Git, but equally as applicable for any
- dotnetConf – The .NET Community Virtual Conference – .NET Conf is returning with a full virtual conference programme on 18th and 19th March, once again streaming live
“Understanding Filters in MVC” this link does not work.