The Morning Brew #1772
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 7th January 2015 at 09:11 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- IE test VMs on modern.IE get a refresh – Anton Molleda announces updated images for Internet Explorer Virtual Machines, including updated and patched base OS and changes to how the images are distributed.
- Some Observations While Playing With EF7 Alpha Bits: EF7-Able Projects & Some Observations While Playing With EF7 Alpha Bits: Current vs On-Hold APIs – Julie Lerman shares a look at the latest bits of Entity Framework 7, taking a look at the project types that you can install Entity Framework 7 into, as well as taking a look at what is implemented an working in the alpha.
- An example of preparatory refactoring – Martin Fowler discusses the practice of Preparatory Refactoring, the art of tidying and restructuring the code ready for implementing a new feature.
- ECMAScript 6: maps and sets – Dr. Axel Rauschmayer takes a look at th Map and Set data structures along with WeakMap and WeakSet in ECMAScript 6, exploring their use through code.
- PageObjects and Protractor – K.Scott Allen discusses the use of the PageObject pattern when writing tests in Protractor, and shares some of his workflow for writing tests
- Everything You Need To Know About Azure Service Bus Brokered Messaging Part 3 – Max McCarty continues the ‘Be Sure with Azure’ series with the third and final part of the mini-series of posts looking at Azure Service Bus
- JSON# – Tutorial #3: Serialising Complex Objects – Paul Mooney continues this tutorial series looking atthe use of his JSON# Library for serialisation of non-trivial objects.
- Modularizing TypeScript + RequireJS + AngularJS + OWIN (WebAPI + FileServer) – Andrei Macarie shares a look at using RequireJS and WebAPI hosted in OWIN to modularise a TypeScript based AngularJS application
- Roslyn Code Analysis in Easy Samples (Part 1) – Nick Polyak shares sample code for performing code analysis using Roslyn, and how it can be included in a Visual Studio Extension to provide useful functionality in the IDE.
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