The Morning Brew #1755
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 10th December 2014 at 09:36 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Announcing the redesigned F12 developer tools interface – The Internet Explorer Team announce the latest batch of user interface changes to the F12 Developer Tools
- Arrow Function In ES6 – K.Scott Allen takes a look at the use of Arrow Functions in ECMAScript 6 to declare functions in a more succinct way
- Meta programming with ECMAScript 6 proxies – Dr. Axel Rauschmayer discusses the new ECMAScript 6 feature for proxies, which allows you to intercept and customise operations being performed on objects
- ".NET Core is the future" but whose future is that? – Frans Bouma discusses the new world order that .NET Core brings about and what the impact of this new target framework means for developers of components and libraries.
- Replacing Throwing Exceptions with Notification in Validations – Martin Fowler takes a look at refactoring exception based validation to using the Notification pattern.
- SignalR + RX Streaming Data Demo App – Sacha Barber discusses the use of The Reactive Extensions and SignalR for stream processing applications (Note: follow the link at the end of the blog post for the full CodeProject article)
- Permissions in Azure DocumentDB – Neil Mackenzie follows on from his previous post with a look at the permissions model for Azure DocumentDB, looking at users, permissions and authentication.
- Tail/Feather – The client API – Ayende continues his look at Tail/Feather his weekend project to build a distributed Key value store, exploring the client API implementation in this post
- Composing Christmas with F# – Tomas Petricek joins in with the F# Advent Calendar, sharing a Christmas look at composition and abstraction in F# to create a Christmas Tree image.
- New Language Features in Visual Basic 14 – Lucian Wischik shares a look at the new features for VB Programmers in VB 14
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