The Morning Brew #1714
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 13th October 2014 at 08:35 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Announcing Microsoft.ASPNET.Facebook 1.1 RTM – The ASP.NET Team announce the release of Microsoft.ASPNET.Facebook 1.1 – a library and Visual Studio Template for interacting with Facebook. The Library is available as a NuGet Package and the Templates from the Visual Studio Gallery.
- ReSharper 8.2.3 Is Available – The Team over at JetBrains announce a further maintenance release of ReSharper 8.2
- The F# Software Foundation Logo for F# – The F# Software Foundation unveil their new Logo for F#
- Complete Guide to the Windows Technical Preview – Paul Thurrott provides a detailed guide to the Technical Preview, providing details of each and every new feature and improvement.
- On F# and Object Oriented Guilt – Eric Sink continues his discussions of F# and his creating of a F# port of a C# structured merge tree key value database.
- NuGet: Broken By Design – Jeff Handley reviews the history of NuGet, looking at some of the factors of its success, and some of the additional things which could be improved.
- .NET Is Not a Black Box, Open It Up – John Bubriski discusses how it is so useful to be able to see source when debugging a problem, but that sometimes decompilation can help enough.
- Uri behaves differently in .Net4.0 vs .Net4.5 – Daniel Wertheim highlights a difference between the .NET 4.5 and 4.0 implementations of Uri in .NET, and appeals to the community for a work around.
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