The Morning Brew #1712
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 9th October 2014 at 08:33 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
I’ve taken some counting lessons, so today we are back on the correct numbering 😉
- Find crazy stuff in mobile app communications (and get free stuff!) – Troy Hunt discusses some of the crazy things that go in with the APIs behind rich client applications, and sets a chalenge to his readers to share real world examples.
- New PowerShell 0.8.9 released – Dan Rosanova highlights the release of an updated version of Microsoft Azure PowerShell available from the Web Platform Installer
- HTTP/2: The Long-Awaited Sequel – IEBlog – Site Home – MSDN Blogs – Rob Trace and David Walp of the Internet Explorer Team discusses their implementation efforts for HTTP/2, discussing why they are so keen to include it.
- Visual Studio Tooling Guidance – Jeff Handley and the NuGet Team cnavas for opinion on the use of NuGet Packages as parts of tooling
- Barry’s Rules of Engineering and Architecture – Barry Briggs shares his own list of principles for engineering and architecture based on his years of experience.
- Dan Wahlin – What’s ‘Right’ with AngularJS? – Dan Wahlin weighs in on the debate about AngularJS sharing his throughts on what is good and right about the framework.
- Lesser-Known NHibernate Features: Entity Mode Map – Ricardo Peres takes a look at a less well known NHibernate feature which provides the entities as a dictionary/map
- Not all browsers are made equal – The JavaScript console – Rory Primrose discusses the differences between the different browser implementations of the console, looking at a code solution to help bridge the gap.
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