The Morning Brew #1647
Posted by Chris Alcock on Wednesday 9th July 2014 at 08:23 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Visual Studio "14" CTP 2 Available – John Montgomery annouces the release of the second CTP of Visual Studio ’14’, containing a vast array of new stuff, include a non-all-caps menu bar. As always the team are interested to hear your feedback on this latest preview.
- Visual Studio "14" CTP 2 Available – Brian Harry also highlights the CTP2 release of Visual Studio ’14’ along with a note explaining why there is no CTP release of TFS to go along with this preview
- ASP.NET vNext in Visual Studio "14" CTP 2 – Xinyang Qiu discusses and highlights what is in the CTP2 release in terms of ASP.NET vNext
- Visual Studio "14" CTP 2 and Entity Framework – Rowan Miller also highlights the Visual Studio "14" CTP 2 Release, along with explaining what bits of Entity Framework are included in the box
- Visual Studio "14" CTP release notes – The official release notes for the CPT2 Release of Visual Studio "14"
- July 2014 Internet Explorer Updates – Wilson Guo of the Internet Explorer Team highlights the latest batch of updates to all supported versions of Internet Explorer.
- OData Client Code Generator 2.0.0 release – Yi Ding announces the release of the OData Client Code Generator Extension for Visual Studio available now from the Visual Studio Gallery, offering a wealth of new and improved functionality
- Client Delayed Query – Junlin Zheng of the OData Team highlights the combination of OData Client 6.5.0 and OData Client Code Generator 2.0.0, looking at the generated functionality, and some of the differences from previous versions.
- ASP.NET vNext and Visual Studio 2014 CTP: The Bright Future – Pravinkumar Dabade takes a look at the ASP.NET vNext functionality available in the Visual Studio "14" CTP (note: looks like CTP1)
- The Repository Pattern in ASP.NET – Part 1 – Paul Cociuba continues his series of Video Tutorials with a look at the implementation of a Repository for use in an ASP.NET application.
- It’s Tuples All The Way Down! – Josh Eastburn takes a look at the Tuple type, discussing what it is useful for, as well as looking at when you should probably not use them,
- .NET Rocks! – Web Security Breaches with Troy Hunt – Carl Franklin and Richard Campbell are joined by Troy Hunt for an edition of .NET Rocks looking at common Web Security flaws
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