The Morning Brew #1630
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 16th June 2014 at 08:21 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Knockout.js 3.2 Preview : Components – Knock Me Out – Ryan Niemeyer discusses the contents of Knockout.JS 3.2, including a new Web Component inspired Components implementation, which he walks through the use of in this post.
- ASP.NET MVC Bundling/minification with angularjs and Typescript – ‘P@Yogesh’ takes a look at how you can minifiy your Angular Code, and introduce type safety using TypeScript, along with sharing some of the common gotchas which cause problems
- Is TDD Dead – Martin Fowler shares the links to recordings and summaries of the last few sessions between himself, Kent Beck and David Heinemeier Hansson discussing the use and future for TDD practices.
- Thoughts on Unit Testing And TDD: Test Behavior, Not Implementation – Jaime González García shares a real story about Test Driven Development and unit testing in general, including lots of learned best practices.
- Are Bad Tests Better Than No Tests? BLEEEEP NO! – Jim Holmes shares thoughts on Bad Unit Tests, and if they still offer value over having no unit tests
- .NET Native Deep Dive: Debugging into Interop Code – Yi Zhang takes a look at how the .NET Native functionality makes it ever easier for .NET Developers to get to see and understand the actual interop with things like P/Invoke, WinRT and COM and be able to debug it easier.
- RFCs for HTTP/1.1 Updated – Eric Lawrence highlights updates to the HTTP 1.1 specification, which has now been decomposed into a number of separate specifications with a lot less ambiguity, depreciation of problem features, and changes as a result of implementations.
- URL Rewrite- Part 2(Inbound Rules) & URL Rewrite- Part 3(Outbound Rules & Rewrite Maps) – Chiranth Ramaswamy continues this series of posts looking at the use of Rewriting of URLs in IIS and exploring the use of rules for both inbound and outbound rules which allow modifications of the response header.
- TIP: Business Objects != Data Contracts – Terrence Sheflin shares some worthy advice about keeping your data contracts simple and decoupling them from the implementation of your business objects.
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