The Morning Brew #1614
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 22nd May 2014 at 08:31 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- NuGet Package of the Week: ImageProcessor – lightweight image manipulation in C# – Scott Hanselman shares a look at ImageProcessor a neat NuGet packaged library which providers ways of manipulating images for display on the web
- Why does my enumerator not advance? – Eric Lippert discusses the how and why of some strange seeming behaviour when using an iterator in a lambda expression in this latest instalment of ‘Ask The Bug Guys’
- How about a new platform for your next API… a CMS?
– Elton Stoneman discusses an unusual, yet seemingly very sensible approache to a REST API where the data does not changes much and requires a more traditional publishing workflow - .NET Native Deep Dive: Help! I Hit a MissingMetadataException! – Morgan Brown continues discussion of the Dynamic features in static code produced by the .NET Native compiler with a look at the MissingMetadataExceptions which can occur in certain reflection cases.
- A Better Development Web Server for .Net with FubuMVC 2.0 – Jeremy D Miller discusses some improvements to the development time experience for working with FubuMVC, introducing a development server which reloads content automatically when source files change
- Why and how we migrated to Microsoft Azure – David Rousset discusses in detail the move of the website for BabylonJs onto the Azure platform, discussing the various aspects of the move and the configuration of Azure services.
- Building with Node.js Tools for Visual Studio – Kowsheek shares a detailed look ath the process of building and publishing applications developed using the Node.js Tools for Visual Studio.
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