The Morning Brew #1611
Posted by Chris Alcock on Monday 19th May 2014 at 08:29 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
I had a splendid weekend away at DDD South West 5 – many thanks to the event organisers, speakers and attendees for making it another conference to remember.
- The Future of .NET on the Server: ASP.NET vNext content and videos from TechEd 2014 – Scott Hanselman highlights and shares a great collection of resources about the ASP.NET vNext platform, plans and code from the TechEd event last week. If you work with ASP.NET you will want to check this out to get a taste of what the future holds.
- A 30 Minute Look At ASP.NET vNext – Jon Galloway also is sharing resources about ASP.NET vNext, along with a walk through of getting started with some of the samples.
- Highlights of Rowan Miller’s EF6/EF7 Talk at TechEd 2014 – Julie Lerman highlights another developer related TechEd talk, with Rowan Miller presenting a demo heavy session on Entity Framework 6.1. I watched this session yesterday on the train back from DDDSW and thoroughly enjoyed it, I’m sure you will too.
- Diagnosing Portable Class Libraries – Jon Skeet discusses portable class libraries, looking at implementing support for NodaTime as a portable class library, and discussing how they work under the hood, and looking at building them without Visual Studio
- The Multiple SQLite Problem – Eric Sink discusses the chalenges of developing a portable class library for SQLite, and the problem of possible database corruption from having multiple SQLite libraries due to the built in (and quite out of date) libraries that ship with the phone OS.
- Second "Is TDD Dead" Hangout video and audio available, third hangout scheduled – Martin Fowler shares the video and audio recordings of the second instalment of the ‘Is TDD Dead’ discussion he has been having via webcast with Kent Beck and David Heinemeir Hansson. The 3rd part will occur tomorrow (Tuesday 20th May).
- Apache Cordova integrated in Visual Studio for multi-device hybrid dev – Olivier Bloch discusses the newly announced Visual Studio Support for Apache Cordova development
- [Attribute] Routing in ASP.Net MVC 5 / WebAPI 2 – Shahriar_cse takes a look at the Attribute Routing feature of ASP.NET WebAPI 2 and MVC5
- The ugly evolution of running a background operation in the context of an ASP.NET app – Jeff Putz discusses the various techniques of running background jobs inside an ASP.NET Worker process, sharing his experiences of doing so in POP Forums
- Screencast on Getting started with Koa Js – Marcus Hammarberg shares a introductory screen case to working with Koa JS to provide an REST / CRUD API
- Software Development Horror Stories and Scar Tissue – Jeremy D Miller shares some of his developer war stories – something very therapeutic to do, and a great reason to get together with friendly fellow developers to share and discuss.
- DDD East Anglia 2014 – The date has been set for DDD East Anglia as 13th September, and the call for speakers opened on Saturday, so if you are interested in speaking its time to get started on your session abstract.
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