

  • NuGet Package of the Week: Canopy Web Testing Framework with F# – Scott Hanselman takes a look at Canopy, and F# based automated web testing framework which aims to be frictionless, allowing you to write good tests in F# which utilise Selenium.
  • F#10 : Lists – Continuing our F# theme, Sacha Barber continues his series over on CodeProject which is looking at various aspects of the F# language – exploring the concept and use of Lists.
  • F# Type Providers – Phil Trelford shares a look at the now mature feature from F#3 of Type Providers which add code completion support and typed access for different data sources.
  • FsCheck + XUnit = The Bomb – Mathias Brandewinder takes a look at the combination of FsCheck and XUnit and explains why he considers it to be a great wayof testing code
  • Dynamic Routes with AngularJS – K.Scott Allen looks at an area of confusion with AngularJS when creating dynamic flexible routes, and how the two phases of modules contribute to this confusion.
  • Node.js and Visual Studio? Sure! & Choose Your Own Adventure with Node.js View Engines – Shawn Wildermuth takes a look at the tooling support for Node.js within Visual Studio, and discusses the different styles of view engine that there are available for Node.
  • New Breeze Angular Service – John Papa discusses the latest changes in the Angular and Breeze frameworks and how they effect them working together
  • What Every Developer Must Know About Fast Garbage Collection (+ more) – Alois Kraus discusses application performance, and the role the garbage collector plays in this, along with looking at how improvements have been made to the Garbage collector
  • TDD Chess Game Part 2 – Erik Dietrich continues his series looking at building a chess game using Test Driven Development Practices


  • UK Tech Meets – Phil Trellfod shares a really useful list of UK based user groups for .NET, Functional Programming, Data Science – its good to see the usergroup community is alive and well, and I encourage you to checkout a local (or not so local) usegroup is you haven’t before.