The Morning Brew #1552
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 20th February 2014 at 09:31 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- Hello Biggy – Rob Conery shares ‘Biggy’, a simple file based document store for .NET, in some ways similar to NeDB on Node, making use of JSON, dynamic types and Linq
- Gulp.js : A Better Alternative to Grunt.js – Shiju Varghese takes a look at the use of Gulp.js, a task automation framework, similar to Grunt.js, giving an overview of its use in automating the build process for a Single Page Application using Angular.
- Converting AutoMapper to a Portable Class Library – Jimmy Bogard discusses his journey to having a Portable Class Library for AutoMapper, sharing what he learnt along the way in turning a traditional class library into a PCL.
- "Everybody Lies" – Eric Lawrence discusses the lies that software sometimes tells regarding its version, focusing on some of the lies that browsers tell, and how API methods which return a version are sometimes wrong.
- Distributed Automated Browser Testing with Selenium and BrowserStack – Scott Hanselman shares a look at performing browser testing in a wide range of browsers using the BrowserStack service and Selenium.
- A Method Object Helper – Putting More Class in Method Refactoring – George Henry discusses refactoring of methods with large numbers of parameters, replacing them with a single parameter object, walking through the steps of such a refactoring in this CodeProject article.
- It Was 2001, and I Had a Decision To Make – Darcy Lussier follows on from Rob Conery’s post, ‘PHP or ASP.NET: Did I Do The Right Thing?‘ discussing how he decided on a Microsoft technology path to set the tone for his career, sharing his story.
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