
  • AliaSQL – the new name in automated database change management – Jeffrey Palermo highlights AliaSQL a new database change management library in the same vain as Tarantino. This library is available via NuGet and can be used as a relatively straight forward drop in for Tarantino
  • CSLA 4 version 4.5.500 released – Rockford Lhotka announces the release of his CSLA 4 application framework version 4.5.500. This release includes Windows 8.1, Entity Framework 6, ASP.NET MVC 5 support, along with improved IoC features.
  • Last Chance to Back Durandal – Rob Eisenberg gives an update on the KickStarter project for Durandal, looking at crowd sourcing funds to allow for future development of this JavaScript library.


  • REST WCF vs. WebAPI (throughput performance) – Kaduk Frantisek takes a look at the performance of WebAPI against WCF for an identical REST service implementation, testing the performance in a couple of different ways.
  • Hosting a .NET DLL as an Out-Of-Process COM Server – Sasha Goldshtein discusses the reasons you might want to consider hosting a .NET DLL as a COM Server out of process, and looks at how to go about achieving this.
  • Minty: Wrapping It Up – Rob Conery rounds out his series looking at the construction of a blog application in Node.JS
  • Testing Asynchronous Javascript w/ Jasmine 2.0.0 – Eli Weinstock-Herman takes a look at testing Asynchronous JavaScript code usin the new features of Jasmine 2.0 which make this easier. This is particularly useful if you make use of libraries like RequireJS to load modules, or are testing against an remote API.
  • BranchByAbstraction – Martin Fowler looks at a technique to support making large scale changes to a system whilst still being able to release the system regularly during the change work.
  • Configure the IIS Application Initialization module – Benjamin Perkins walks through the setup of the IIS Application Initialization Module which provides a way of ensuring that your ASP.NET applications in IIS are alway up and running meaning your users shouldn’t encounter the dreaded application startup delay.


  • January 27-31 is Windows Azure Week! – The Microsoft Press blog highlights a week full of free all day (US PST times) Windows Azure related events, taking place week commencing 27th January