The Morning Brew #1448
Posted by Chris Alcock on Tuesday 24th September 2013 at 08:30 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- PowerShell Tools for Visual Studio Beta v0.5 – Adam Driscoll highlights the beta release of the PowerShell tools for Visual Studio, bringing enhanced PowerShell support to Visual Studio 2013 RC. In the post Adam gives a run down of some of the useful features these tools add.
- Announcing Code Health Metrics for CodeLens – A DevLabs Project – David Starr announces the release of an experimental extension for the Visual Studio CodeLens feature which adds a code health level indicator to the Codelens giving an indication of how good or bad the method’s implementation is .
- Math from scratch, part three: natural addition – Eric Lippert continues his series looking at the implementation of mathematics using little more then booleans and objects with a look at implementing addition
- Attribute Routing changes for ASP.NET Web Stack shipped in VS2013 RC – Xinyang Qiu gives an overview of the much awaited Attribute Based Routing for ASP.NET WebAPI included as a part of ASP.NET WebAPI2
- 30 Days of TDD: Day Seven – Software Factories and DI Frameworks – James Bender continues his 30 days of Test Driven Development series with a further look at the use of Dependency injection, exploring in this post the concepts of managing dependencies using DI and factories
- Hosting SignalR under SSL/https – Rick Strahl runs through the complications of self hosting SignalR inside your own executable (or service) when you want to communicate over SSL.
- Windows Azure Notification Hubs: Getting Started – Ahmed Sabbour kicks off a 3 part series looking at the use of Windows Azure Notification Hubs, looking at how they provide a solution for push notification and running through their use.
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