June 2013

Monthly Archive

The Morning Brew #1381

Posted by on 20 Jun 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • For Backbone.js devs: easily enable new Cloud based experiences in your apps with the Windows Azure Mobile Data Service – Olivier Bloch highlights the development by Microsoft Open Technologies of an open source Backbone adapter which makes it easy to synchronise data to a Windows Azure Data Services
  • Enterprise grade Git – Brian Harry discusses the git support which is going to be front and centre of the Visual Studio 2013 / Team Foundation Server 2013 release, discussing some of the aims the team are addressing with the functionality.
  • 3.11pr1 Released – YUI Blog – The YUI team have release a preview release of YUI 3.11. This release sees some significant changes to Attribute and Base, and they are keen for developers to try out the functionality in existing applications to help them ensure that it all behaves as expected.


  • Huge collection of Free Microsoft eBooks for you, including: Office, Office 365, SharePoint, SQL Server, System Center, Visual Studio, Web Development, Windows, Windows Azure, and Windows Server – Eric Ligman follows on from the success last year and has updated his list of completely free Microsoft eBooks with all this years titles. This list covers everything from Office 365 Windows Azure development, and is certain to contain something worth including in your summer reading.
  • Dynamic security misconfiguration scanning with OnCheckin and ASafaWeb – Troy Hunt discusses the importance of ongoing security checking and testing in your applications to ensure that your application continues to be as secure as it was when first developed, and discusses how his ASafaWeb tool has now been integrated with OnCheckin, a Cloud based deployment tool.
  • Next up for HUD? – Anthony van der Hoorn discusses the feedback from the Glimpse Heads Up Display functionality and starts to look to the future, sharing some of the team’s thoughts on where to take this functionality, and asking for your feedback on the roadmap via a survey.
  • AngleSharp – Florian Rappl shares a detailed article on the use and development of AngleSharp, a library which provides DOM like API onto HTML and CSS content from C# code, going a few steps beyond the HTMLAgilityPack.
  • Update to HttpClient and Automatic Decompression – Immo Landwerth announces the latest beta release of HttpClient which now supports automatic decompression across all platforms with the team having removed the dependency on the Microsoft.Bcl.Compression library which in turn depended on the native support for decompression. This has been achieved by bringing the decompression code into HttpClient.
  • Problems with XML Serialization and .NET 4.5 – Jim Lahey highlights some problems he encountered with XML Serialisation when running on .NET 4.5, but not on 4.0, and shows how a configuration setting allows you to control the implementation of the serializer used.


  • NxtGenUG – Event: Windows Phone 8 WP8 – The Hereford NxtGenUG are having a session on Windows Phone 8 development which will look at the platform, and explore some of the new features of the WP8 platform. The event is on Monday 8th July.

The Morning Brew #1380

Posted by on 19 Jun 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Announcing TypeScript 0.9 & TypeScript 0.9 Preview Release – Jonathan Turner and Somasegar announce the release of the Preview Release of TypeScript 0.9. This is a major step along the road the for the project, introducing a number of exciting new features including Generics support.
  • SemVer 2.0 Released – Phil Haack announce the release of the SemVer 2.0.0 specification which details the correct formation of Semantic Version Numbers. This specification release adds a number of clarifications and details of versioning build metadata.
  • FsCheck 0.9 Released and moved to GitHub – Kurt Schelfthout announces the release of version 0.9 of FsCheck, along with the news that the project has been migrated to GitHub, to help aid collaboration, although that seems to be working well already as most of the changes in this release are community sourced.



  • UG Tour in UK this week and next – Iris Classon is on a UK Usergroup Tour this week and next, giving sessions at usergroups in Bristol and Gloucestershire already, with the Telerik Developer Seminar today (Weds) in London, Windows Phone UG London this evening, Dev South Coast in Southampton on Thursday evening and the Windows Store App developer group in London on Monday 24th.

The Morning Brew #1379

Posted by on 18 Jun 2013 | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew


  • Log Parser Studio 2.0 now out (Log Parser GUI++) – Greg Duncan highlights the latest release of LogParser Studio, a GUI environment for working with the LogParser 2.2 which allows you to issue SQL like queries against a wide range of log file formats.


  • String concatenation behind the scenes, part one – Eric Lippert kicks off a new series of posts looking the art and science of string concatenation, looking at some of the optimisations he worked on that got included in the C# compiler.
  • Don’t Write Code You Don’t Need – Erik Dietrich shares some sage advice about writing too much code and exposing too much of your code to the consumers of that code, along with the perils of Mutability.
  • Hidden Code Mines – Phil Haack discusses a concept he is calling code mines, those bits of innocuous code which would get skipped over in a code review, but actually contain some subtle bug which will explode when you least expect.
  • 3 Pillars of Pragmatic Agility – David Starr highlights his latest article for Visual Studio Magazine which proposes a new standard for agile software development which builds on the work of the last 12 years of being agile in a variety of forms.
  • AGENT: The World’s Smartest Watch – Rob Chartier takes a look at AGENT, the smart watch which is based upon the .NET Micro Framework with an API allowing .NET developer to leverage the power of a small write mounted device.


  • DareDevs: TDD, where did it all go wrong – DareDevs (formerly Manchester / Warrington NxtGenUG) welcome Ian Cooper for a session on TDD, and how it has evolved since the original TDD rules, this Wednesday evening (19 June)
  • Events | CraftyCoders – The Crafy Coders (Bromsgrove) have a sessions from Dan Kendall, Neil Barnwell and Jay McGuiness/James Morcom on Thursday 20th June 2013 where they will all be exploring Builds and Deployment. Crafty Coders are also running a whole day (Saturday) Code Retreat on Saturday 31st August.

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