
  • Glimpse 1.3 released with a new glimpse.axd page & N+1 detection – The Glimpse Team are rapidly iterating and releasing having just released 1.3 of the Glimpse debugging tool, featuring new feature such as N+1 query detection, ad rendering of arrays, this release also has a fresh new UI for the Glimpse.axd page.
  • Announcing PostSharp 3 RC – Gael Fraiteur announces the release candidate release of PostSharp 3, encouraging users to try out the RC and feedback, with the current plan of moving to an RTM release in the next two weeks assuming no significant issues are found.



  • NxtGenUG – Event:Dependency…. – The Coventry NxtGenUG welcome Ian Russell as a speaker next week for an event looking at the what, how and when of Dependency Injection. The event takes place on the evening of Wednesday 24th April.
  • NxtGenUG – Event: Globalization: Know Your Enemy – Guy Smith-Ferrier visits the Birmingham NxtGenUG with his latest session on Globalization, discussing some of the less well known globalization concepts that often get skipped and are becoming increasingly more important as the world shrinks. The event takes place on the evening of Tuesday 23rd April
  • Refactoring Legacy Code Bases, Free Online Event May 8 – JetBrains and Microsoft are hosting a free online event looking at refactoring legacy code bases, where Hadi Hariri will look at using tooling in legacy code which does not conform to principles such as Test Coverage and SOLID. The event takes place Wednesday 8th May, 9-10am (GMT-8)