
  • Windows Azure Training Kit December 2012 Refresh – Dr. Z highlights the release of the December 2012 Refresh of the Windows Azure Training Kit, which includes new demos taken from the Build 2012 conference looking at Mobile Services, Websites and Cloud services.
  • WiX 3.7 released (Think"The MSBuild Everywhere" release) – Greg Duncan highlights the official Stable release of the WiX Toolset 3.7. This release adds in the features that missed out on inclusion in WiX 3.6, and brings MSBuild to the forefront, and adds bundling features.
  • Twitter.Bootstrap.MVC4 – new release 1.0.71 – Eric Hexter highlights his latest update to the Twitter.BootStrap.MVC4 package which makes it easy to add the Twitter Bootstrap libraries to your ASP.NET MVC 4 sites

