The Morning Brew #1253
Posted by Chris Alcock on Thursday 13th December 2012 at 09:32 am | Tagged as: .NET, Development, Morning Brew
- NuGet 2.2 – The NuGet Team announce the release of NuGet 2.2, including integration with the Visual Studio 2012 Quick Launch, inclusion of support for adding whole directories of files in package contents, , fixes for issues when working with F# Projects in the package manager console.
- Asynchronous Streaming in ASP.NET WebApi – Andrés discusses the streaming of data from ASP.NET WebAPI using async and await to retrieve data
- Windows Phone StringFormat Binding And Blend – Matthias Shapiro continues looking at StringFormat in Binding expressions, looking at how you can work with them using Blend
- A Course on Win8 App Development with HTML5 and JavaScript – Sanjeev Dwivedi kicks off a video training course for Windows 8 Store application development using HTML5 and JavaScript. This first post includes the first instalment, an introduction.
- Sharing from your app – Ishita Kapur discusses the background and intended uses of the Windows 8 Sharing functionality, outlining why you should consider including it in your applications, and looking at it in use with a sample application
- Nancy and VB.Net: the razor view engine – Christiaan Baes continues with his exploration of the Nancy Framework in VB.NET with a look at working with the Razor View Engine.
- NxtGenUG – Event: MVC4 Real World – Harvey Kandola will be joining the Hereford NxtGenUG for a session looking at real world MVC4, including lessons learnt from building their first product using it on Monday 14th January 2013.
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